The benefits of drinking less: A guide to mindful drinking and wellness
Depending on your current relationship with alcohol, there are lots of benefits to drinking less alcohol such as improved sleep, a clear head, better health and wellbeing. Before we dive into those, let's explore how mindfulness can help.

My Partner is an Alcoholic: Emotional Survival Guide
It's like your partner has two different personalities. The person you got into a relationship with and the person they become when they have been drinking. You're constantly walking on eggshells not knowing what version you're going to get! When you speak to them about it they have forgotten what they were like when they were drinking or they apologise only to act that way again the next time they drink.

How to help a loved one with a drug or alcohol problem: stages of change
Frustrating is an understatement to describe how it feels to watch your loved one destroy themselves and be powerless to do anything about it.
It can be confusing and hard to understand why they would continue to drink or take drugs when it's causing them and the people around them so much harm.

How to talk to my partner about their drinking or drug problem
Here’s a familiar story: You are concerned about your partner's drinking or drug use. Perhaps their drinking or drug use has increased recently, or it has been increasing gradually over time. You may have noticed changes in their behaviour. E.g., they are forgetful, unreliable, or withdrawn and spending less time with you or the family. You don't know how to approach the topic, or you have tried to discuss it with them before and it didn't go well. Perhaps they snapped at you and you ended up having an argument. You're tired of tiptoeing around the issue.

coping with Overwhelming thoughts and feelings about your loved one’s drinking or drug use: dropping anchor
Dropping anchor is useful mindfulness technique for riding an emotional storm. When a ship is caught up in a storm there is nothing that can be done to stop the storm but if the ship drops anchor, it is stable enough that it won't get swept away by the storm.